Creating an Effective Sexual Harassment Policy

Phil Pettis
2 min readJan 26, 2021


A graduate of the University of New Hampshire School of Law, Phil Pettis has been working in the field of law for more than two decades, focusing on a number of different areas. Phil Pettis has spent some of his time working on sexual harassment lawsuits, which prove that there is a need for companies to have a concrete sexual harassment policy.

For any business these days, it is essential to have a solid sexual harassment policy that is readily available and understood by all employees. With sexual harassment being a major issue in the workplace, businesses must protect themselves and their employees by having the right policies in place.

A sexual harassment policy must clearly state the goals of the policy, such as zero-tolerance for certain behaviors, as well as explain exactly who the policy applies to. There must also be examples of inappropriate behavior that will be understood by everyone, as employees must know what they can and cannot do.

An effective sexual harassment policy is also going to outline exactly how to file a complaint, and ensure the employee’s confidentiality. The outline should also tell employees what will happen during a complaint, such as interviews taking place with the purpose of gathering evidence. In addition, there should be a clear and concise explanation of disciplinary actions that may come as a result of accusations being confirmed as true.



Phil Pettis

In 2002, Phil Pettis joined the Boynton Waldron law firm in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where he is a partner.